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Crystal Morgan

The Purpose:

Following a Woman in a Unique Situation's Journey Finding Her Way in the World.        


I am a grown woman raising a family, going to school full-time pursuing a Master’s in Criminal Justice with a concentration in Homeland Security.  In 2014, I completed two Bachelor Degrees.  

Bachelor  in Psychology    GPA 3.61                            

Bachelor in Social & Criminal Justice  GPA 3.82


   I started my family very young, got married at 18, had to drop out of community college at 19 due to medical problems with my pregnancy, then climbed a few corporate ladders.  Ultimately, I found that I was most needed in my home raising my children which is when I decided that there would be no better opportunity to return to school.  Of course, I couldn’t stop with just that!  I had to volunteer in any and every capacity I could locate a need.

Throughout all of this, I also dedicated myself to learning everything medical and becoming the advocate my youngest daughter was in need of.  She has had major medical issues since birth, including a minimum of 2 major back surgeries a year simply to ensure she can remain breathing.  There have been serious complications along the way and she has had the privilege of being the 1st FDA approved VEPTR patient at Children’s Hospital Seattle as well as the 1st to end with complete removal.  However, this is not the full extent of it, my little girl has 7 different specialists dedicated to various organs and sections of her body, obviously she spends a lot of time with doctors.  The various specialties are housed in the same building yet seem to have forgotten how to communicate either verbally, written, or electronically!  One day a few years back, I had enough and found myself scouring over 500 pages of medical charts, doctor’s notes, and radiology images.  What a tedious learning experience that turned out to be!  Needless to say, her doctor’s now turn to me for advice on medical plans knowing I am the only person in existence with a comprehensive knowledge of her body.  Enough of that, moving on.


   Back to The Purpose.  During my undergraduate studies, I gained at great sense of accomplishment but this paled in comparison to the recent enlightenment I have gained.  I learning that my weary decision to go back to school and complete my Bachelor’s Degree, even with such a chaotic life, was a great catalyst in my eldest decision to pursue her own college education.  My work also changed my entire family’s attitude about the importance of school grades.  I spent so much of my life hounding my children about their grades but when they started having to compare their recent test scores to my assignment scores; suddenly I have incredibly smart children that take school work very seriously.  I have always known that setting the example is what matters; but seeing it was a completely different experience and one that I wouldn’t change for the world.


   So, The Purpose this site is meant to serve is to bring you along in my journey to obtain gainful employment with advancement opportunities after taking about 10 years off for my family and volunteer work.  I will be posting assignments I have completed during my studies, blogging about my experiences in searching out THE CAREER, and sharing whatever details you wish to hear.  I believe this will be a unique endeavor because of my personal circumstances and I hope that someone out there can learn from my experiences.




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