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Kelli Callahan
Forensics Instructor

Ashford University

School of Social and Criminal Justice

425-791-0503 (cell)

206-338-6012 (efax)

 James Murphy-Aguilu, J.D.         Social and Criminal Justice

Professor                                                           College of Liberal Arts                                                              Ashford University


To whom it may concern,


My name is James Murphy-Aguilu; I am a Professor at Ashford University, President of my Law Firm, and a Full-Time Criminal Defense Attorney. I am writing this letter on behalf of Crystal Morgan, whom I had the pleasure of instructing in CRJ 305: Crime Prevention recently.


Crystal’s exceptional resume, background, and transcript will provide her with exceptional ability for advancement in any position she decides to pursue. I was extremely impressed at Crystal’s level of preparation and professionalism within class. Crystal was committed to the work and showed tremendous writing and research ability. I can honestly say that Crystal is one of the most impressive students I have ever worked with at Ashford. 


Crystal’s skills go beyond the classroom knowledge many applicants possess. From her transcript and background it is obvious that Crystal is a great student that exhibits tremendous self-discipline and hard worker but more than that Crystal is dedicated wife and mother of five kids. Despite tremendous pressures she faces, Crystal performed nearly flawlessly in my class. She expressed her desire to continue her education and eventually obtain her Master’s degree and possibly progress toward her Ph.D once she integrates into the ultimate profession of choice. I am confident that she will be successful in her pursuit and am honored to have been asked to assist her in that pursuit. I can make no stronger recommendation of a student than I do for Crystal Morgan.


Thank you,

/s/ James Muphy-Aguilu

James Murphy-Aguilu

Assistant Professor

Ashford University

Re: Crystal Morgan                                    


      This letter is in reference to Crystal Morgan, a former student of mine at Ashford University, School of Social and Criminal Justice. I had the pleasure of having Ms. Morgan most recently in a Forensics course for the Spring 2014 term. During her program, Ms. Morgan established a reputation as a conscientious and goal oriented student and was a highly respected member of class particularly for her attentive nature and demonstrative display of critical thinking skills.


In addition, she contributed greatly to the overall classroom environment and consistently earned high academic marks during the term. She also submitted an exemplary final research project and finished this course with a letter grade of "A". 


It has come to my attention that Ms. Morgan has expressed an interest becoming employed with your organization. In my opinion, Ms. Morgan would make an excellent candidate for any position within the criminal justice arena given her proven academic record and strong commitment towards any of her endeavors.


Having personally worked in academia for seventeen years, it is rare to encounter a student who presents with such high professional and academic goals combined with a proven academic track record. It is my belief that Ms. Morgan would adapt very well to this position given her professionalism, attention to detail, and personal drive. 


      I am confident Ms. Morgan would bring a positive element to any career she pursues and would strive to meet the challenge of any tasks set before her. Please feel free to contact me with any additional questions or to arrange a personal phone interview.





                              Kelli Callahan, M.F.S.

Re: Crystal Morgan                                                                             June 22, 2014


To Whom It May Concern;


It is my pleasure to present this Letter of Recommendation in regards to Crystal Morgan.  Ms. Morgan was a student in my Capstone CRJ422 Class.  Although my interaction was through the virtual classroom, she was definitely a positive asset to my class. During classroom discussions, her integrity and reliability was apparent to all. Her assignments were always on time and her classmates were eagerly receptive of her opinion and motivational attitude.


I recommend Ms. Morgan in favor of any of her future endeavors, knowing she will be successful in anything she chooses to pursue.



Gloria Ramsey MSCJ


Re: Crystal Morgan                                                                           


To Whom it May Concern:


I am pleased to write this letter of recommendation for Crystal Morgan. I met Crystal in the Spring of 2014, for she was a student in my Criminal Justice class (CRJ 306) at Ashford University.


From the beginning of class, Crystal impressed me with her work ethic and attention to detail. I would submit that Crystal is one of the top students that I have encountered during the two years in which I have taught online college courses for Ashford.  Her written assignments exhibited distinguished knowledge and research as well as proper grammar and formatting, which is a skill lacking today in both the academic and work place settings. Her responses to peers showed her understanding of diverse perspectives as well as her superb ability to critically think about current issues in the criminal justice field. Crystal was also very open to constructive criticism and eager to learn more about her field of study.


I would highly recommend Crystal for any job position or academic seat in graduate school. She is an individual who stands out amongst her peers and will do an outstanding job with whatever task or challenge is given.


If you have any questions or would like to contact me, please call me at 732-641-2970 or email at





Erin D. Ramey, J.D.

Gloria Ramsey MSCJ
Criminal Justice Capstone




Ashford University

Erin Ramey
Criminal Justice



Ashford University



References From Past Professors

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