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  • Utilizing crime statistics, I created a proposal of aggravated assault prevention in high crime cities.

  • Prepared a paper detailing the entire criminal justice process for a felony criminal charge filed in state court.

  • Analyzed the psychological history that certain infamous criminals took prior to committing their crimes.

  • Applied forensic theories and methods to a prior case to review the crime scene, including management, security, preservation of evidence, as well as identification and analysis of said evidence.

  • Examined various Supreme Court cases to identify and apply case precedence to current cases in trial.

  • Created a comprehensive code of conduct, including implementation of legal requirements, for a merging publicly-held company with a privately-held corporation.

  • Wrote a research proposal outline to address crime prevention strategies focused on the individual level. Drafted a sexual harassment policy for a police department to bring them into compliance.

  • Drafted a sexual harassment policy for a police department to bring them into compliance

Cub Leader,                 Boy Scouts of America                                                             

  • Planned weekly events while accounting for a variety of schedules of youth and parents

  • Completed activities on-time and within budgetary constraints.


PTA Member,              Elk Ridge Elementary                                                                 

  • Primarily through careful communication and creating empathetic connections, the book sale broke the 5 year record.

  • Managed money at functions while maintaining meticulous records for audits with no discrepancies. 


Head of Fundraising Committee, Football University Top Gun Athlete                         

  • Planned and coordinated fundraising activities; volunteers, financial management, risk assessment, and accurate record keeping.

  • Worked as a parent volunteer throughout FBU camp week.


Webmaster, Donald Loomis Memorial Clothing Bank                                             

  • Reached out to clients and supporters of the organization utilizing available technology.
  • Maintaining web page for organization while actively creating official website to reach more families in need as well as gain more sponsorship to increase available funding.
Ashford University,                             San Diego, CA

               Bachelor of Arts in Psychology                                                                           2014 
               Bachelor of Arts in Social & Criminal Justice                                                  2014    

      Honors:   Dean’s List


Colorado Technical University,            Colorado Springs, CO       

      Master of Science in Criminal Justice w/Concentration in Homeland Security         Current


Background Summary
Community/ Volunteer
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  Park Manager,     South Prairie Creek RV Park,                              S. Prairie, WA          
  • Actively worked to prevent potential threats by removing risk factors and providing protection factors, as applicable.

  • Diffused conflicts regularly.

  • Successfully implemented a creative tenant-landlord co-op security system throughout the Park with minimal expense.

  • Remained mindful of surroundings as well as differing variables that would indicate a potential threat is plausibly becoming an actual danger to me or others then took action to redirect the situation or discreetly call in for reinforcements, if available.

  • Self-taught all relevant plausible legal aspects related to landlord-tenant law.


One Hour Photo Specialist,            Walmart,                 Bonney Lake, WA                   
  • Diffused confrontations on a daily basis using logic and reasoning.

  • Maintained an active and effective focus on loss prevention without alienating customers through a balance customer service, analytical thinking, attention to detail, and intuition.

  • Utilized communication skills and knowledge of human behavior to actively listen and convey my interpretations. 

  • Worked with computer records, specialized machines, and retail software in daily activities.

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